By jadakorn - 11/07/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I got home and threw my phone onto my bed as usual. This time it bounced out the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 391
You deserved it 139

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Use your bed as a trampoline , bounce out the window , and get your phone back . Your must have a pretty high/bouncy bed & a low/close window , sounds very unrealistic unless you whip your phone down .

Well, you know what they say. If you love something, let it go...


why can't all FMLs be like this? instead they're all stupid relationship stuff

thealliance 0

HAHA this would totally happen to me too. perfect fml :)

And that children, is why we don't throw things.

Yeah, I still don't get the whole cell phone= life.

seriously LOL!!! that totally sux!!!!!!!!!!

vball29 0

wow! last night when i read this i laughed soooo hard aha so funny i pictured it in my head. i pictured a phone landing on the bed first and then popping up (haha weird sound effect) ZOOM! out the window.wowiieee

that sucks, but gave me the best image in my head. classic