By jadakorn - 11/07/2009 13:48 - United States
Top comments
Hahaha! Thats a clever illustration, nice one.
To the illustrator: It's "WHOSE," not "who's."
And that is why I own a tempurpedic.
Haha, I thought the FML would be about the boyfriend when I saw the illustration. Good job, sir. :)
this illustration kinda sucks.. the end isn't in the story and it doesn't really make sense. don't ******* try to tell me what it means, i know what it means, i just think its ****** dumb. sorry you're an idiot OP, get a walkie talkie or somethin ******
I feel like the comic would have been far more excellent simply by leaving out the word 'boyfriend'... It just spells it out implausibly so, and we could probably deduce that he is her boyfriend due to the last frame.
You have to remember how stupid the vast majority of people who go on FML are. Things must be spelled out explicitly. They have no deductive reasoning to speak of.
Use your bed as a trampoline , bounce out the window , and get your phone back . Your must have a pretty high/bouncy bed & a low/close window , sounds very unrealistic unless you whip your phone down .
Well, you know what they say. If you love something, let it go...