By oops - 15/07/2012 05:34 - United States

By oops - 15/07/2012 05:34 - United States
By noway - 10/08/2011 17:47 - Singapore
By Anonymous - 12/09/2020 08:02
By Anonymous - 23/12/2014 21:48 - United States - Gainesville
By jill - 25/02/2014 16:59 - United States - Salt Lake City
By 420SUX - 04/08/2012 06:17 - United States - Federal Way
By Anonymous - 17/02/2015 19:17 - United States
By thegirlwiththedumbassbf - 23/03/2016 22:58 - United States - Camarillo
By 3sacrowd - 17/11/2009 03:46 - Canada
By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 14:48 - United States
By yourfault - 02/09/2013 15:10 - United Kingdom - Kingston
Geez.. That's so messed up. Sorry that your (hopefully) ex boyfriend is a total ass. You deserve better.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman!
Came here for the Bill Clinton references, leaving satisfied.
Sorry to say OP, but "standing firm" to your arguement, you put your foot in you mouth, or in this case you boyfriends' dick in your sisters' mouth. A guys' interpretation of this arguement is "I can put my dick in any girls mouth and my girfriend will not mind!" YDI PS. Do not make any arguements about anal.
I can't stand people like you. I can stand firm to saying that fingering, handjobs and oral sex isn't really quite sex. Hey, flirting and kissing is not sex either but it's still considered cheating. I refuse to believe that "a guy's interpretatin" is to go stick his junk in her sister. I believe that's a "jackass's interpretention". It's not a YDI no matter how you twist it.
37 - I am a guy and I still think his view is retarded Maybe I'm weird, but I like to stay faithful to my girlfriend
I'm having a serious internal debate trying to decide whether or not to thumb you up, the start your comment is great and it ends fantastically too, but the part where you say flirting is cheating...that's so wrong, I can't bring myself to thumb you up. called the guy above you a jackass so I'm not going to thumb you down. AGH commenting didn't help, I'm just gonna walk away with no thumbs pushed : ((
20- Their argument was about wether or not it was sex not if it was cheating. Plenty of non sexual acts are considered cheating so your statement is just huge invalid bullshit. To the flirting being cheating thing that's really more based on the couple than just generally everyone. Some people are comfortable enough in their relationships to not care and some aren't or just don't think it's respectful of their partner(that would be me)
I don't like your sister or your boyfriend.
Does telling your boyfriend that oral sex isn't sex not make you an idiot? Then you're not an idiot.
Gah I hate double negatives
I'm sorry but that blows..
Haha get it cuz the bf is gettin blown
Whats with all the ***** sisters lately? I know your supposed to teach your kids to share, but damn.
That's your fault, he proved you wrong but in the end he had to cheat to do it. Break up with him but learn from this.
If this is the case then he wasn't even ready to be in a relationship with anyone. Proving a point should never be more important than the relationship itself.
Wait, are you two actually so friggin' damn stupid to think that it's OP's fault she was cheated on? She did not push his head between her legs/opened her sister's mouth to put his dick in it. People should not have to say to their partner what's considered cheating, because normally, common sense would tell them. Eurgh. The stupitidy in this FML and the overload of YDI are killing me.
YDI means "You dumb idiot"
Well that doesn't change the fact he was doing something that isn't G rated with your sister. Kissing isn't sex either, but it's considered cheating. Just because it isn't sex doesn't mean it is not wrong to do.
well it is called oral SEX for a reason...