By oops - 15/07/2012 05:34 - United States

Today, I got into a debate with my boyfriend over whether or not oral sex was considered sex. I stood firm that it was not. Apparently, he took this as permission, as later that night I walked in on him not having sex with my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 855
You deserved it 44 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that doesn't change the fact he was doing something that isn't G rated with your sister. Kissing isn't sex either, but it's considered cheating. Just because it isn't sex doesn't mean it is not wrong to do.

I_Hug_Cats 26

well it is called oral SEX for a reason...


If oral sex isn't sex why is it called oral SEX? Sounds to me u were just making an excuse to be able to suck off anyone u want. YDI.

redmane 21

Putting words to her mouth (hahaha isn't that funny it correlates with the FML... Let's move on now) was exactly how her situation was started. You just assumed she shared her opinion about oral sex so she can do exactly what her boyfriend did? You say YDI because of a situation you made up in your head. Smart, you are.

jboyajian86 1

How can you be mad? You stood firmly that it wasn't cheating

CheshireHalli 19

No, she said it wasn't sex, not that it wasn't cheating.

haha burned from ur own advice. he didnt cheat according to u. uf ur dumbenough to believe oral isnt sex then planned to be cheated on with every guy.

I can't tell if you're a troll or a complete and utter moron. Both I guess.

Now do you consider oral sex as sex? And sorry you have a ****** up sister. I would beat her ass and kick him to the curb.

I would hit him over the head with a ******* bat !!! You deserved it for being so naive and offing over than stupid concept but wow is he a shitty boyfriend and THANK GOD I do not have a sister. She wouldn't last....

If you can get any sexually transmitted diseases from any form of cheating then it's cheating and it's SEX. Take a sex ed class or use google or any other search engine. FFS. This makes me wonder how many times OP many have NOT cheated since ORAL isn't considered sex to her. Sorry it was your sister OP, but i guess he wanted to make a point and yes you need to talk to you sister. SOON.

So, sharing contaminated needles is cheating? Getting a tattoo with contaminated equipment is cheating? Accidentally letting tainted blood touch your hand, which happened to have a paper cut on it is cheating? Really? Because these are all ways you can still get a disease. Let's use HIV/AIDS for example. Blood (or other bodily fluid) transmitted. It's considered a sexually transmitted disease because surprise, surprise, the most common way to transmit the disease is through sex. But it doesn't mean contracting it by other means automatically indicates someone cheated.

jer_36 10

If you're gonna act like a smartass then at least read their comment properly. They said "from any form of cheating." Last time I checked I wouldn't be cheating if I was in a relationship with someone and I shared needles with another person and got HIV. They meant forms of cheating such things as: kissing, oral, anal, vaginal.

Ooh... I'm so sorry I offended you by missing two words. Sheesh, calm your shit. My point still stands. You don't have to cheat to get the disease; if you get the disease though, people automatically assume you cheated whether you did or you didn't.

RedPillSucks 31

What about kissing someone who was infected? Is that sex as well?

I wouldn't call him clever. Who cares if it's sex or not, even making out with another person is considered cheating, and kissing is certainly not sex. Either way, he's a jerk.

No where in this post does of say "I got into a debate with my boyfriend over whether or not oral sex was considered cheating." Everyone who is saying YDI keeps using the same flawed logic that that's what she said. They were talking about if it was considered sex or not. Despite her stance on that, she never said it wasn't cheating. Seems to me OP's boyfriend misinterpreted and was looking for any excuse to stick his dick in the next girl's mouth.

OP I ain't gonna sugar coat this, you're an idiot and your bf a cheater. Good combination right there so you two deserve each other.

redmane 21

She's an idiot for having a different viewpoint than yours?

jer_36 10

No she's an idiot causes she's an idiot, period. There's such things as having a different viewpoint and just being a plain dumbass. If someone told you that their viewpoint is that the earth and not the sun is the center of the solar system would u still be saying your comment? I don't freaking think so.