By wetandpantsless - 04/10/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, I got invited to a big upperclassmen party that underclassmen don't normally get invited to. I was feeling really good when I got there and saw that the girl I'm in love with was there. They stole my pants and gave me a swirly. Her reaction was to post pictures on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 559
You deserved it 6 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeislife_fml 0

What about their assholes? Something wrong with them?

KillaKingPerrie 4

School shootings here we come.


Who's to say that they didn't invite you with the express purpose of doing that to begin with? Don't go to upperclassmens' parties. YDI for probably getting suckered. Hell, YDI for going to a party at all.

cxal_fml 0

It would be highly unlikely that he would have been invited for any reason other than to make a fool out of him. It is college after all. You think he would have had the common sense to stay away when he realized that he was an underclassmen and this was a party that underclassmen "typically aren't" invited too. Guess he's never watched a movie on college or spoken to anyone about their experience on a campus.

ToddSpald 0

Why is everyone 'in love' with the girl they've never talked to? Swirly is when you take someone, hold them up by their ankles and drunk their head in the toilet then flush after a short water boarding. Swirly, get it?

ruckerpark364 0

u should now they wouldnt invite a loveless nerd like you anyway

guys stop being such dicks like its really not his fault. I feel really bad for him like thats horrible.

Greyst0ne 0

thats terrible, i wouldve kicked all of their @$$3s, btw theres something called fight or flight in your brain and if you struggled hard enough, you shouldve at least been able to fight 2 of them.

AttilaLopez 0

you ought to **** up their cars. They're all probably rich pricks, anyway. And as for girl, feel free to spread rumors about her.

mef_fml 0

thats f*cked...i agree, **** up their cars or should get revenge. and everyone whos saying they would kick his ass are retarded....its not like he could defend himself against a bunch of other people. get real, seriously.

OP are you in like the 4th grade? A party where you got a swirlie? This story is either bullshit or this kid went to the popular kid's tenth birthday party.

Loosers. Someday you, the people that did it, the girl and everyone else involved will grow up and realise how lame it is that they felt that bullying someone because they are younger than them would be a fun thing to do at a party.

netbeui435 3

revenge. make an example, stand up for yourself. no one else will.