By wetandpantsless - 04/10/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, I got invited to a big upperclassmen party that underclassmen don't normally get invited to. I was feeling really good when I got there and saw that the girl I'm in love with was there. They stole my pants and gave me a swirly. Her reaction was to post pictures on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 559
You deserved it 6 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeislife_fml 0

What about their assholes? Something wrong with them?

KillaKingPerrie 4

School shootings here we come.


Does this actually happen in high school today? Really? We never had issues like this in my high school. Very rarely did upperclassmen vs lower classmen have issues. The worst that might happen is being directed the wrong way when new fish asks for directions. Nothing else ever happened that I noticed.

No, it doesn't. At least not at my school or my old school, nor my cousins' schools. The worst extent of "bullying" are pranks, which at the worst would be like constant egging or getting your car spray-painted (only if you really deserve it). Most people have some level of self-respect, and would not do something so immature as giving a "swirly".

slag_ 0

why didn't u fight them? and why did you go to a party without any friends?

I hope you're not in love with her anymore!

That's really messed up. It's hard for me to believe that something like this could happen. If it really did happen I hope it didn't scar you in any way.

thefury 0

I thing the "if it sound too good to be true" rule applies here

TheUnlucky0ne 0

Well now this just further cement's the fact that human's are douchebags.

Bitches Ain't Shit by Ben Folds. Listen.

What college do you go to? High-School State? Who the **** gives swirlys beyond the age of 17?

douchebags give swirlys beyond the age of 17 of course lol ^_^

That sucks. The great thing is, you can sue for that kind of crap nowadays. If it's on Facebook, it's just easy evidence...

you deserve it for being such a bitch