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By Anonymous - 16/09/2010 00:40 - United States

Today, I got lost trying to find the hospital my sister was giving birth in. I stopped at a store to call my mom for directions. A cop pulled up beside me and knocked loudly on my window asking me to get out. The store had been robbed and I am now a suspect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 920
You deserved it 2 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

titenite88 0

at least somebody pulls over to talk on their cell phone.....

I'm sorry OP. Did you explain that to the cop?


YDI because you got lost trying to find the hospital your sister was giving birth in. you stopped at a store to call your mom for directions. A cop pulled up beside you and knocked loudly on your window asking you to get out. The store had been robbed and you am now a suspect. YDI lol I bet I'll get a lot of pissed up comments from this XD

nope.. doesn't work when you say you will.. unless this somehow counts. shit!

that the most logical thing that happened. a thief always returns to the scene of the crime.

manonwater 0

sounds like my luck... if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any :D

athree 0

man... I hope u pleaded the 5th

beatleschick1940 9

hopefully the store has security cameras that'll prove it wasn't you. I'm sorry OP

RedPillSucks 31

My wife stopped near the pentagon to ask for directions shortly after 9/11. That was a mind fart for her. She'd never had people point guns at her before.

Oh to be safe from being randomly questioned about a robbery we may have participated in or witnessed!

SaintE_fml 0

you where in "The Town"starring Ben Affleblah blah blah