By bride - 27/03/2009 01:38 - United States

Today, I got married wearing a strapless dress. As I walked down the aisle, our wedding photographer stepped out behind me to get a shot of me approaching my husband. Instead of stepping out, though, he stepped on. Stepped on my dress. Pulling it completely down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 974
You deserved it 10 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dk2008 3

At least your wedding will be unforgettable:)

Your groom was probably thinking "Wow, she couldn't even wait 'til after the reception?"


Oh no! That's terrible! On the positive side, you'll probably look back and laugh at this one day.

dannnngthatsux 19

"I'd buy that for a dollar!!"

J15237 25

Well how was the rest of the wedding? I hope your entire day was not ruined. Congrats on getting married.