By Username - 09/02/2011 03:27
Same thing different taste
Fast response
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 18:45 - United States
Great timing
By alo1434 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 12/06/2019 02:10
By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 04:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/09/2010 01:57 - United States
By Tanner - 16/07/2011 06:23 - United States
By Eyesore - 16/04/2009 21:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/07/2009 17:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/02/2011 21:36 - United States
Top comments
pepper spray is tasty
buy a new can of pepper spray. spray your husband's co worker. then reply "I was bored"
Why would you put a picture on fml?
lol best advice 10 haha
you should keep wasp spray on you too since it can shot 20 feet away from you and blind them. Also you should go to they have tazers that are shaped normal, flashlights, walking can, an other looks. volts range between 100,000 to 1 million.
#78, are tazers even legal? I don't think they are here in Australia.
in the U.S. tazers are illegal however stun guns aren't. the difference between the two? one is used by police officers and shoots out cables that send an electric jolt through them (tazer) the other requires human contact and is less effective (stun gun). both are commonly (but mistakenly) called tazers.
yeah wat
Wow what an ass.
Maybe you should carry a backup in your crotch.
No ginger, no.
buy another and empty it on his face and tell him that's what the mugger wouldve felt when he was mugging you if he hadn't emptied it out.
I love that reply so true!
well that's steryotypical.... what Asians need to have slanty eyes to be Asians? Indians are part of Asia, Russia is part of Asia, are they not? your ignorance is bliss, oh and cookie your pretty! haha
wow, when u need it the most you are all out of it!
no pepper spray? use the assault. you don't need a reason to season, just jump in there and tenderise that mis-steak of a mugger.
go be a failure at being funny somewhere else.
i thought we were friends, dude. smh
you're pathetic assumptions are more humorous than your innate ability to produce comedy. gg.
*your also i assume you meant inability? otherwise, thank you for that lovely compliment! now i'm glad we're not friends. my friends are smart.
Misspellings fail to provide an accurate measurement of a person's intelligence. good try though.
misuse of words is a rather accurate representation of one's mental and social ability, however. you have work to do. go study!
I'm typing on an iPod. Go cry about grammar and spelling mistakes to your non existent friends. this is the internet. Trollolololol.
so am i. my iPod doesnt switch negative and positive word forms. is yours a special model? you seem pretty hostile. while part of me is concerned and almost wants to ask you what's wrong, most of me is amused. please keep commenting.
You're amused by people insulting you for kicks? Wow, wherever you spawned from must've been an interesting place.
actually it's quite an interesting place, thanks for asking! the last winter olympics was held here, and there's a neat improv studio near my house. our gay village is pretty rad, now that I think about it ... oh, and we're right on the water.
I didn't ask. I never will ask. why the hell would you take the initiative to answer a question that was never inquired. are you really that dense?
well, considering most materials don't pass through me without amassing a considerable amount of speed or force, i would assume that, yes, my body is quite dense. thank you for making sure.
I'm shocked, I thought for sure you would have posted a thoughtless, obnoxious pun riddled paragraph by now. you must be trying very hard to hold back.
it is quite difficult. thank you for acknowledging my guilty pleasure. it means so much that you understand what I struggle with, and that you still stick around and talk to me! gosh, what a charming, upstanding person you are.
you don't even know the half of it captain clueless.
post more comments. gogogo.
why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends?
comments make this spastic happy apparently.
spastic? oh dear. are you getting upset?
I like trains!
How fitting for such a stupid person to ask a stupid question.
I also like trains! model trains are awesome.
learn some self defense moves

buy another and empty it on his face and tell him that's what the mugger wouldve felt when he was mugging you if he hadn't emptied it out.
I hate muggers. they need to get a life