By ididntevendrinkthatnight - 07/06/2013 05:14 - United States - Brooklyn
Same thing different taste
By Imnotfromhere - 13/06/2021 16:01
By Anonymous - 11/05/2012 00:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 04:10 - Canada
Bitchy family
By is that jealousy I detect ? - 24/02/2022 17:59
By VedaLynn - 03/12/2012 23:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/04/2016 17:32 - United States - East Stroudsburg
By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 16:09 - Guatemala
My 21st birthday
By Anonymous - 10/01/2020 14:00
A night to remember
By Jo. - 20/10/2022 02:00
Alexa, play "Ironic" by Alanis Morrissette
By irony, huh? - 20/10/2019 14:00
Top comments
this sucks and all but at least he wished you happy birthday
True that , at least he wasn't completely heartless
No shit .
#23 > Everyone will die someday...
*i hope that bastard dies slowly and painfully some day soon.
That's why you carry more than one form of ID. Always expect something to happen (being mugged, leaving your wallet in a taxi, etc.) same as with your cash. Take what you need/plan to spend on the night, leave your cards at home and don't spend the money set aside for the way home. Life doesn't run smoothly so you need to prepare for anything to go wrong. But sorry to hear OP.
Yea, but If I get mugged, Id rather not have my extra form of ID stolen as well. That makes more sense with traveling outside the country, especially carrying cash, but you cant possibly foresee this happening.
If the OP carried more than one form of ID, he/she would have been mugged of those too. :0 I would have said, too bad they couldn't have had time to go back to their house and maybe grab their passport (an acceptable form of ID) but seeing that the OP is from the US could mean they don't own one at all. :P
OP could've hid the other ID somewhere else..
48: True, but if OP was viciously mugged, then all their pockets, bags, etc would've been checked/emptied. Most muggings aren't all peaceful like "yea bro, give me your money." FYL OP. I'm glad you're safe and hope your birthday got better :-/
Ya because hiding a piece of ID elsewhere is daily for most people, you tend to get mugged daily? Lol be realistic no one does that
Damn... Im the only one who gets mugged daily?! Who knew? Lol
Many places to hide a small piece of plastic. And really. If you live somewhere where extreme muggings happen frequently you shouldn't be putting yourself at risk.
"As your legal counsel I advise you to arm yourself. To the teeth. Oh and don't forget the drugs, lots of drugs."
as your attorney is advise you to re-read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
I tried from memory instead of being a cut and paste douche...
At least he was some what sensitive enough to sing you happy birthday even if the bastard was laughing while singing.
At least now you have a decent 21st birthday story. most entail how drunk people got, yours is how drunk you didn't get the chance to get.
I just cant imagine a thug singing happy birthday to you!! while running away with your wallet.
Wow! Typically this would happen to me...
Cruel bastard
Don't worry OP, his luck will run out sooner or later. For all you know he might just be the guy who accidentally gets hit by a car a few blocks away, "accidentally".