By :(( - 17/11/2013 20:27 - United States - Pearland

Today, I got my dad to fill in a questionnaire my teacher handed out on Friday. One question said, "I would like to see my son/daughter ______." My dad wrote in the blank space: "Less often." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 440
You deserved it 4 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's messed up, I hope he was joking.

Look on the bright side, he could have written dead or injured... Or naked


Pretty sure it was a joke, don't worry. Now we can all laugh :)

It's funny if you have a sense of humor. I'm sure he didn't mean it.

I do have a sense of humor. This FML wasn't supposed to be funny.

You cant laugh in someones face and then say sorry. Especially if you don't know if his dad was seirouse or not because this could be really sad if he was

pwnman 33

LOL. Felt so bad laughing. FYL

Grant his wish. Either he'll miss you, and apologize, or you'll have one less toxic person in your life.