By yobruh - 17/05/2011 04:54
Same thing different taste
By Laurel - 25/05/2013 04:37 - Canada - Toronto
It's a pretty good response, though
By angrymom - 04/06/2021 01:59
By worldsmosthonestdad - 12/05/2017 14:00
By Anonymous - 22/03/2016 21:17 - United States - Fremont
By Anonymous - 13/03/2016 04:31 - United States - Havertown
Hey! Teachers! Leave those kids alone!
By Anonymous - 24/09/2021 13:58
By :(( - 17/11/2013 20:27 - United States - Pearland
By PerpetuallyHappy - 25/09/2012 23:20 - United States - Rochester
By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States
Huge balls
By Anonymous - 10/10/2021 19:04 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayChuck Norris < Jack Bauer Just sayin'
Yes... who?
Shut up
that kid is awesome..he will go far in life.
I always ask myself WWCND?
how is this a bad thing?!?!?!?!?
and that's a bad thing how?!?
chuck norris is a multiple martial arts world champion, actor, republican, and christian. he is probably most known for his role as Texas ranger from 1993-2001. he started the kickstart anti drug program that teaches kids how to do martial arts as an alternative to drugs.
Thank you, 141, I don't have access to google.
George thorogood destroys chuck Norris
chuck norris doesnt sleep, he waits chuck norris sleeps with a nightlight, not because hes afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of him when chuck norris does a push up, hes not pushing himself up, hes pushing the earth down. chuck norris can divide by zero and count to infinity chuck norris went to the virgin islands, its now just called the islands chuck norris can swim through land chuck norris can slam a revolving door meh, plenty more :D lol
So the teacher was worried about his automatic 200% on the test?
NO you get over 9000%
ur hot
unless the question is "what is always the answer"
chuck Norris wrote it for him
This is so true if people would just forget knowing everthing they would know Chuck Norris IS everything lol
ur not funny
win. Nuff said.
chuck Norris got in a knife fight once. the knife lost.
Charlie sheen Is the answer, he's bi- winning
Bruce lee kicked chuck norris ass. But seeing as chuck is still alive he is the victor
I'm so ******* tired of you idiots who think that some old Ginger is the biggest badass in the world. He is a ******* old man who could get his ass kicked by simple tasks. so please stop glorifying this washed out C list actor.
he better have got 100%. No, scratch that, he better have got 200%.
so he got an A+? I don't see the problem. you should be proud!
gawd, bet he watches ask swifty, for all people who don't know swifty aka swift karate chop aka Matthew Brian brown, check him out on u tube
chuck norris attacks sharks when he smells them bleed and he doesnt battle, he just allows you to lose.
Chuck Norris found out that nothing could kill him, so he tracked down Nothing and killed it.
I agree with Juan.
U sir have heard of epic rap battles of history
F*ck yeah.
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Show it anywayThis isn't Facebook...
chuck norris is a pussy.
Chuck Norris *gets pussy. Fixed it for you.
right.... why are we doing this
Combo breaker
to the field of brown cows
OP's son is winning.
diagonal left (
chuck norris
dang that was mine..
right.. well i feel "kewl"
I'm gonna shit kick you into last night. Chuck Norris can do that, right? Right.
I wish I was that kids teacher. "A" all the way.
Over the river and through the woods bitch!
This kid sure knows about life!
Seriously, this kid is my hero!
bear wins my picture says it all
You're an idiot. Your comment says it all!
@181: Aw thanks darling.
haha agrees
"I wear a black belt on the beard that I grow on mu dick."
can't wait till chuck prick dies hard.
I don't see the FML here
It's still funny.
83-lol profile about you: I like reading other people's misfortune before bed it gives me happy dreams.
so he scored 110% on this test right?
ur fat and funny profit pic
203 you've managed to combine the 3 things I hate in life: kids, fat people, and wiggers
for most men, their left ******** is bigger than their right one. for chuck Norris, each one I'd bigger that the other.
Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, death just didn't have the courage to tell him that
Chuck Norris went back in time and ****** his own mother. He is now his own father.
dinosaurs laughed at Chuck Norris
Jesus could walk on water, Chuck Norris swims through land.
With logic like that, your kid is going to go far in life.
honorary doctorate.....

so it was a parent teacher conference because he did exceedingly well on his test?
This kid sure knows about life!