By pechfogl - 26/08/2017 21:45 - Austria

Today, I got my period while spray tanning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 571
You deserved it 543

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It can be extremely difficult to perfectly track a period. Even when you do get the signs and symptoms, it sometimes doesn't come until a few days later--or sometimes even a week.


Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Wow, you're eclipse colors. Do people have to wear funny glasses to look at you?

You deserve it for not tracking your period.

It can be extremely difficult to perfectly track a period. Even when you do get the signs and symptoms, it sometimes doesn't come until a few days later--or sometimes even a week.

Not really. It's a cycle that goes every 28 days. Basic health class will teach you this. But now we have the lazy way of using a period tracker app.

I've always tracked my period, but that doesn't mean it didn't catch me by surprise sometimes. Periods can be irregular.

Do you now have a trail of not orange from the blood running down your legs?

gobiteme2 34

It could've been worse if you sprayed back.

This summer was and still is hot and sunny in Austria, so why are you spray tanning?

neuronerd 28

That's exactly when someone would spray tan. They may want to a tan when showing skin in summer clothes, and not want to be risking skin cancer, and/or they could be naturally really pale and unable to tan.

Little Richard 11

So? We're you spray tanning nude? I thought you wore a skimpy bikini to do that.