By Miss Blairgowrie - 30/01/2013 07:52 - Australia - Fairfield

Today, I got my retainer fitted. It stimulates my gag reflex so badly that I gag every time I try so say anything with a 'P' in it. My orthodontist laughed and suggested I get a thesaurus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 314
You deserved it 2 749

Same thing different taste


anastasialynn89 12

I know how you feel, my plate makes me gag when I say anything with a g

I just got my retainers and when i first put them in the bottom one caused me to gag but a few days later its not so bad anymore

ABigMemey 11

I love how the only "p" in this entire FML is the letter "P" you stated causes you problems (distress)

Maybe he won't find it so funny when you don't Pay him. Like dentures something can be done so tell him to fix it or go to someone else who will.

TheDankGrape 3