By Zizi - 04/07/2015 13:18 - Norway - Mosj?en

Today, I got punched in the face, had hair ripped out of my skull and broke a tooth on the pavement when I fell. Some guy mistook me for someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 686
You deserved it 1 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can OP deserve this? Did you set that couch on fire?

I really hope you called the cops OP, because this person not only assaulted you, but is probably going to do the same to someone else. Hope you're feeling better!


Geckosrock99 33

I don't see why people still find the need to beat the crap out of others for whatever reason. Like sure, urges are normal, but you don't need to act on them. Report that man to the police, OP, he's just going to do it again otherwise.

That guy is a pussy. Get the police after his ass. And get well soon.

FYL for being someones lookalike duplicate, report for clarifications otherwise the situation may worsen in future..your never deserve this Op

Attacksloth 33

Okay. Preface: I really hope you're all right after that, aside from the injuries of course. Next. 1. Lawsuit (This is one of the only FMLs where SUE THE BASTARD!! is a permissible response) 2. Unless this other woman killed his family, she too didn't deserve that. 3. I'd like to see him go toe to toe with a pro MMA fighter. See how tough he is then. 4. If you were a guy, you still wouldn't deserve this, and he'd still be a coward. 5. There's a thing called karma, and it will hopefully rain down on him.

What kind of guy pulls hair in a fight.... Also. It must have been a sucker punch which is another big no no. If he hit from the front he would have been able to tell it was the wrong dude. He should hand in his man card cuz he's clearly a bitch

Complete douchehats do this kind of stuff. Saw a boy at my school sucker-punch a girl to the ground, pick her up by her hair (thus ripping it out) and then pulling her shirt off in front of everyone when she tried to run away from him. All this within the few seconds it took the people around him to run over and stop him. So I can definitely see how he could have done all that to OP within a few seconds, before his slow brain had the time to process he had the wrong girl...the coward.

Do you see what happens Larry?! Do you see what happens when you..

Samething happened to my uncle; he was cut/stabbed in the stomach.

Ugh. You should press charges, OP. That guy should get what he deserves. I hope you're okay now and not in too much pain. I'm sorry for your misfortune

Mcstud1y 30

This guy belongs in prison

moo77_fml 20

WTF!!! His definitely not a Man!!! Cos really men don't do shit like that!!! What and utter douchbag!!! Get his ass reported to the cops and I hope you get well soon.. X