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By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 10:57 - Australia

Today, I was shaving my left armpit when I cut myself badly. I wondered whether or not it would be safe to shave my right armpit, then reasoned that it couldn’t possibly happen twice. It did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 192
You deserved it 27 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sure hope you didn't decide to shave down there thinking it couldn't possibly happen a third time..


that sucks ass tour not wry smart but I'd probly do the same thing

OochenSnoochen 15

That sucks ass too. You're nit smart, but I'd probably do that too. this is not an attack on your comment. I put this here just so I can understand it.

lol sorry my iPod screwd up tiny buttons ya know

OochenSnoochen 15

yeah I know lol. look what my iPod done to my "not"

deformedsurf 0

Was this the first time you ever shaved?

Uh, I've been shaving since I was 11 and I still cut myself sometimes...

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. OP's insane.

iamchuck 0

Hairy pits is the way to go. Millions of Frenchies can't be wrong.

iamchuck 0

What the he'll for? Is Frenchies too offensive? Someones poor widdle feelings get hurt?

iamchuck 0

Oh, wow, sorry. I didn't know the French were a race now, or even an ethnicity. I thought it was still a nationality. My bad.

Well, if you've managed to shave successfully lots of times before, then this was just a painful accident. However, if this is a regular occurance you might want to think about alternatives that don't involve sharp objects...

Or changing the razor. Dull razors lead to more cuts.

deformedsurf 0

Or being less hairy, you buffalo.

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

yeah maybe op needs to switch to waxing it's not as bloody.

Isn't that why she was shaving in the first place...?

sammour 0

Seriously wtf... use another type of razors!!!

I sure hope you didn't decide to shave down there thinking it couldn't possibly happen a third time..

MissErikaHart 0

just make sure u never put on deodorant the day u shave. it could give u a rash

Erika, I usually shave in the shower and put deodorant on right after my shower so I don't stink. I don't get a rash. Obviously you're doing something wrong if you're getting a rash.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Not obviously. She could have sensative skin.