By shnigel - 27/02/2010 20:04 - United States

Today, I got sent out of the class for "inappropriate" behaviour. The teacher later forgot about me and sent a notice home to my parents stating that I skipped class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 406
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


KurouTenshi 0

omg it's a Saturday but the fmls take a bit before posting!! and omg there's a post bug ;-;

True, they do take a while. Or someone could have resubmitted it after a day or two. What post bug would that be?

KurouTenshi 0

@22 well in the above comments I tried explaining the common instances where one would use "colour" "flavour" and "behaviour" in place of "color" "flavor" and "behavior" respectively due to differentiation in spelling based on geographical location, however the posts did not show up D:

Oh ok. Yeah, that's an ongoing problem. I'll mention it to the webmaster again.

jett_0621 0

I hate teachers like that. Always ****** around. Hate it >> They deserve to get punched in the face like straight across

marine10_fml 0
facingforeverr 0

okay i think we have very well established the fact that today is a saturday

I know. dont you see the comments under you that all say "it's saturday?" or are you too busy ******* a god damn elmo puppet?

facingforeverr 0

noo the elmo puppet is too busy ******* him

In Italy (where I live unfortunately) and no doubt other countries in Europe, you go to school on Saturday. D'''':

it's Sunday in Japan :) and yesterday's earthquake was scaryyyyy!! op.. ydi for misbehaving.

Oh wow. Who the hell cares? I mean all this gets fixed w/ a simple explanation. As for your parents finding out about the inappropriate behaviour, your life is now effed? Gaaad, grow a pair.

xHabsfanx 0

lol I like that band, but then again I'm Canadian.

facingforeverr 0

if were all gonna take this so seriously...then do mee a favor. expalin to mee how exactly one would go about "******* a life" please be specific and add many details. pics would help :)

1. Go to 2. read. and as for pics, they have illustrations at thw top ;)

Vanni explained that this was actually posted from Sweden but she mixed up the locations.

perdix 29

Oh, well that changes everything! Sweden != Oklahoma. Please go back and change what I said about All-American Rejects and substitute in ABBA. The exact same thing happened to me with ABBA. How's that for coincidence?

epoh_fml 0

I've always lived in the states and I typically spell labor "labour." I also spell behaviour with a "u" and numerous other words where the extra "u" is omitted. I prefer the spelling that way though I don't always write it as such. I also write my dates as they do in other countries (ie 26 February 2010). and no I'm not a wanna-be. I'm just me *shrug*

@32: lol? Am I missing something because I don't get the refrence to my user name.

oh great, he edit his post because it read something like "MQ wuhz here" =/

Err...n/m. Due to a glitch my post was gone and replaced w/ Perdix's post. I'll stop writing now.

you deserve it for the innapropriatr behavior

well that would be depending on what the innopropriate behavior was.

facingforeverr 0

he got caught jacking off under his desk

Yeah and the teacher thought it was his phone and grabbed it ;)

saranottelling 7

The OP could've been sent out for no reason. If people in my class talk (when we are SUPPOSED to be talking) they get sent out of the room. I've learned that when that teacher means talking he really means whispering. Last October, I got sent out because during a test the asshole behind me poked my head with pen, hard, and I made a small noise of pain and surprise. The girl next to me was talking previously so the teacher must have thought I was her. The teacher said, "You're still talking? The people around you are taking a test? Don't you treat others will respect? People with no concern for others disgust me. Get out in the hall." The real kicker? It was my birthday. Worst experience with a teacher ever and I couldn't even explain myself.

What you failed to mention was that the "inappropriate behavior" was slipping midazolam in the teacher's drink.

umm... you have school today?? it's Saturday :P

jett_0621 0

What does OP mean? sorry I'm new in FML

facingforeverr 0

maybe the bitchy ass teacher gave him saturday school....or hes chinese

facingforeverr 0
facingforeverr 0

dude wtf us is with this comment bug? iys pissin mee of bc now i look like an idiot in several places

monnanon 13

For the last time FML's have to start with today it does not mean it happened today does it. plus with it being Friday yesterday the OP could have posted it when they got home and then it took til today to go through moderation.

this is an old trick by teachers to get you screwed over.