By shnigel - 27/02/2010 20:04 - United States

Today, I got sent out of the class for "inappropriate" behaviour. The teacher later forgot about me and sent a notice home to my parents stating that I skipped class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 406
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


music_METAL 0

this happens to me all the time. I just kick the walls once outside to piss off the teacher without being in the room. then I stop when I hear the teacher coming and when he/she yells at me I say excuse me and play dumb :]

facingforeverr 0

lol i do tha same thing every time except i kick the door like every two minutes. then the teacher will get all pissed offf its so funny

alex_vik 0

Wow, I wish I was as cool as you two. /sarcasm

You both sound like the annoying kids no one wants to deal with in school.

music_METAL 0

oh sorry I didn't kiss ass like you.

CheshireHalli 19

Nothing to do with kissing ass. Everything to do with not making someone irritated that has influence over you graduating. =) Though you two do sound cool (not).

My teacher did the same thing to me in 3rd grade. Kicked me out of class and forgot about me for two whole hours. I just sat outside the door. Another teacher that passed by like three times finally went in and reminded my teacher that he left me out there. He was just like, "Oh, I forgot." Douche bag.

I once got sent out of class for dropping a pen. I didn't throw it or anything, it simply fell off of my desk. She was obviously PMSing, stupid bitch. I sympathize, OP. FYL.

cjdeskins09 0

thats funny shit and i agree FYL

Wow, you're teacher is ******* stupid. FYL. this is xactly why I wish i could go back to school, just to bitch out every teacher who think they have all this authority and power. Like, ****. I got suspended..yeah SUSPENDED for standing up for myself. teacher doesn't do anything about it, and let's this **** get off scott free. and I get a week for "verbal abuse", when the guy was making threats. funny thing, after that suspension I made it my ******* duty to make sure that teachers day was ruined. Long story short...she ended up crying & leaving for the day. haha. (without violence or extreme yelling, of course) wow that was long..just my thoughts on teachers though. **** em all.