By Barking Mad - 04/08/2013 11:21 - Australia - Revesby

Today, I got several noise complaints from various neighbours about my "dog that won't stop barking". I don't own a dog, my neighbour owns the noisy dog. She sent me a complaint as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 919
You deserved it 7 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Just the call the police to shake her up a bit, people that stupid don't deserve to get off lightly.


Kinda like that time I farted in that elevator and blamed it on that old lady's shih tsu. Guess karma got lost and decided to **** you instead. Sorry, OP.

JCal585 8

Stand up for yourself, holy ****..

Maybe you should go sit in your yard and bark for a while.

stirbnichtvormir 14

How about you go punch your neighbor in the face.

My neighbor leaved their dogs out and one is a yapper. One day they asked if I could hear the dog and when I said yes they said it was because mine would get her started. At the time the one I had was 16. She never barked and she didn't go outside much. When she did, she didn't go near that fence. Still trying to figure out how my dog got hers going at 4 in the morning when she was in the house and sleeping.

Get a invisible dog on a leash collar and take your dog for a walk around the neighborhood.

I saw those invisible dog leashes sold at Disney World. (: