By elevatorFAIL - 10/08/2009 23:00 - United States
elevatorFAIL tells us more.
To clear this up: it was mainly because the people in the hotel were not helpful at all and this was just one of the last straws. The FML part was the guy at the front desk of the hotel in New Orleans was like the most unhelpful person ever. And it's also kind of akward if you don't exactly get along with the person you're stuck with. And no, I am not usually claustrophobic, but in extreme cases, like such, it is rather disconcerting. As for the cell phone service in the elevator, we were only about 4 inches up from the ground floor. And if FML let me post a longer story, it would have been entirely different. If the girl I called had posted, it would have been mainly about the fact that the hilarity of this whole situation caused here to piss herself. Especially with the fact that our adult leader used force to open the elevator doors...
Top comments
it's shrimpage, I didn't make this up... have you been under a rock your whole life? you sound like you need a hug from a hot girl and stop getting so worked up. it's happened to me... it's not bad at all...
LOL! I don't know which parts of my reply indicated that I was getting worked up. I'm just saying, why bother using an acronym (invented to shorten phrases or long words) when you're just going to tell us what it means. And what the **** is up with dudes and hot chicks and hot this and hot that? Are looks and appearances really that important? Does getting a hug from a "hot" person really prevent us from getting worked up? What the shit is this? You're just like the other typical, mindless, insensitive, perverted, horny dimwits out there in this world who just use girls as an object. How unfortunate.
OMG what a stupid bitch! i would have cussed out the person at front desk for sure
Can't QUITE blame her, since it's true kids do mess around with stupid shit like that. However, it IS her job to check it out regardless of what she thinks it is. Don't turn the elevator emergency system into car theft alarms, kids.
aha, FYL. me and my friends got stuck in an elevator in paris and it was dead scary xD i can sympathize :)
first one that i moderated that got through.. but I hit no ahaha.
Wow u should like sue them
Elevators strike me as pretty unsafe, really, all the way from causing mild inconvienience to death. Anyone else think there should probably more safety regulations around those things? A hefty fine for abusing the panic button and a legal requirement to have someone respond if it's pressed, for a start.
*Facepalm* WHY do these people get hired at all? It doesn't matter how many times a kid may 'cry wolf' in the NEVER ignore the alarm!
They seriously should lose their job. That's a life or death situation, it doesnt matter if it was a prank. You could have died. (allergic reaction, seizure, etc.) I'd personally **** their lives so hard they couldn't walk for a week.