By n3ov - 26/02/2013 04:33 - Pakistan - Islamabad

Today, I got stuck in traffic when a shootout started somewhere behind. I lowered myself and suddenly a bullet punctured a hole in the rear screen. When I managed to get away, I called my wife in a panic. She didn't pick up so I sent her a text about what just happened. Her reply: "K". FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 596
You deserved it 4 466

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Top comments

I smell foul play... Does your wife happen to have a life insurance policy out on you?

Its seems that she might be cheating on you. Seeing that she didnt pick up your call but replied to you with a short and non interested answer.


before I read the ‘Pakistan' up top I completely assumed you were in Chicago or LA.

007type 26

I was thinking some mothaf**king hood.

I was thinking maybe it was a delayed FML from the shooting in Vegas that killed that rapper the other day.

Chicago's not THAT bad! I mean, traffic here sucks but not so much that people start shooting each other.

I live in Chicago haha there's some neighborhoods that I would rather not visit

I currently lounge in Chicago. I got jumped and mugged once. But the city is quite call. When I was in Mexico, though, I found myself in the middle of a drive-by. Not fun.

gab2245 6

Or maybe she just wanted to kill you....

Well, OP, you dodged a bullet and learned something important about your wife too! At least she didn't reply "LOL" or "ROFLMAO" or "DAMN, HE MISSED??!!!!" Count your blessings, OP, count your blessings!!

oj101 33

Pakistan eh? Why am I not surprised?

WrongRomance 11

Your wife is boring. When people text me "K." the conversation is pretty much done. My mom does that sometimes though.. Like when I tell her I love her...

Lionesse 15

OP is involved in a shootout, texts the Wife, to which she replies "K" and you call her boring?? That's... Not exactly the word people here are using to describe her.. I think insensitive bitch and unfaithful has been floating around on this FML more.

The fact that she didn't pick up and texted "K." makes me think she paid someone to permanently remove you. Or maybe she just thought she was funny. In that case she has an awful sense of humor.

Maybe she thought you were just kidding...?