By n3ov - 26/02/2013 04:33 - Pakistan - Islamabad

Today, I got stuck in traffic when a shootout started somewhere behind. I lowered myself and suddenly a bullet punctured a hole in the rear screen. When I managed to get away, I called my wife in a panic. She didn't pick up so I sent her a text about what just happened. Her reply: "K". FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 596
You deserved it 4 466

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Top comments

I smell foul play... Does your wife happen to have a life insurance policy out on you?

Its seems that she might be cheating on you. Seeing that she didnt pick up your call but replied to you with a short and non interested answer.


She's a bitch. The other day my roommate was stabbed during a break in and we hid in my room. When I texted the guy I was seeing, all he said was, "that's exciting." Some people are just assholes and don't realize the seriousness of a situation.

Not realizing seriousness of situation does not make person an asshole.

Usually one assumes the person you are seeing (or in this case married to) will be at least caring enough to ask, "are you alright?"

Perhaps she was in some kind of business meeting and couldn't answer. Then when you texted her, she couldn't read it without getting caught by her boss so she just said "K" to get you to stop trying to reach her at the moment until she actually had time to read the text. She probably felt really bad about that when she actually took the time to read it though, yeah?

AgentSmith79 9

You live in Pakistan. What did you expect? FYL.

Either this is so commonplace that your wife felt no need to be affected or she doesn't care one bit about you. Sad thing is, either situation sucks.

lol maybe its because such things happen very often in pakistan now so its not a big deal:P

She probably thought you were joking. I mean because these things don't happen very often...except nowadays...

WTF, did she not believe you when you told her? If not maybe this is grounds for a immediate divorce.

She probably thought you were joking, I would if someone text me that haha.

Where in England did they have a shoot out? No one uses "screen" to refer to windshield in the US.

Geometric 18

Go back to the FML and look where it is posted from. Hurr durr.