By n3ov - 26/02/2013 04:33 - Pakistan - Islamabad
n3ov tells us more.
Easier said than done.
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I'm inclined to think the OP's wife might have been processing it when she sent 'K', and assumed that as her husband was texting her that he was alright. I am also going to say that this was one of the most badass FMLs ever.
Is this a common occurrence so she is desensitized to it? I would be awfully angry if my wife was this dismissive about a shoot out. Something is wrong here.
A shootout in Islamabad? Has somebody been watching a little too much Zero Dark Thirty? I'm surprised that there have been no comments yet about Osama Bin Laden.. this was where he was found and killed. While this sounds like it would have been a very bad day.. I'm calling fake.
That's incredibly scary
That's incredibly scary
She couldn't waste anymore time responding she had to find a new hit man!
Maybe being a typical wife, she just didn't believe you. and just didn't seem to care yet the second you show any sign of boredom with her life, all he'll breaks loose. all I can say is... ****...
Typical wife? You are so mistaken. If you end up with a woman like that, YDI.
Well? It's a few moments after the fact, you're not mortally wounded, and she's a few dozen kilometers away. Whaddaya expect her to do about it, huh? Should've maybe contacted the authorities, at least!
Wow you just like starting crap with everybody, don't ya?
Heh. Pakistan. I'm surprised she even bothered replying for anything less than RPG fire.
"Not even a trained man can use an assault rife correctly." *Biden's head spins about it's axis* "Derrrp!!"
I smell foul play... Does your wife happen to have a life insurance policy out on you?
Its seems that she might be cheating on you. Seeing that she didnt pick up your call but replied to you with a short and non interested answer.