By n3ov - 26/02/2013 04:33 - Pakistan - Islamabad

Today, I got stuck in traffic when a shootout started somewhere behind. I lowered myself and suddenly a bullet punctured a hole in the rear screen. When I managed to get away, I called my wife in a panic. She didn't pick up so I sent her a text about what just happened. Her reply: "K". FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 596
You deserved it 4 466

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Top comments

I smell foul play... Does your wife happen to have a life insurance policy out on you?

Its seems that she might be cheating on you. Seeing that she didnt pick up your call but replied to you with a short and non interested answer.


Glad your OK, OP. Whew! Is your wife casual with punctuation in texts? I'm thinking of the difference between "k" and "k?"; would she have assumed you'd take it as a question?

Potassium? Wouldn't u have had ur daily amount?

kiroarous 9

Bad news for you bro? It's not ur life insurance, she is cheating on u.

needsagf14 12

Why is this in the Intimacy category?