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By sadex - 09/03/2015 07:52

Today, I got the earlier bus to avoid my ex after a painful breakup. He had the same idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 643
You deserved it 4 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plug in your headphones, get a seat by the windows and don't let that set the tone for the rest of your day. Best of luck!

Maybe it's fate pushing you guys together. It's potentially like a scene out of a movie.


Well you know what they say... Great minds think alike, I guess in your case this is a bad time for that to be true! FYL

Like minds think alike, greatness has nothing to do with it. That saying bothers me, probably because ive heard alot of scumfucks use it.

Dude. You're reading too much into it.

ranger2867 16

That must suck it will get better!

danimal_crackerz 26

Plug in your headphones, get a seat by the windows and don't let that set the tone for the rest of your day. Best of luck!

1dvs_bstd 41

It's harder than you think, it'd be pretty hard to even concentrate on the music.. if I could guess, it'd be closer to 'try not to cry, cry a lot.'

It could've been least the bus wasn't full & they didn't have to seat or be next to each other. So OP has that going for her, which is nice! :D

And #16 how do you know it wasn't full?

I can't know for sure, but it would've been an important piece of information to not mention since it would've made the FML that much more FML! But who knows, I might be wrong

teevthoj 9

But that the "sigh.. Someone, talk to me" sign

That must have been super awkward, hope it wasn't too bad, though. Cheer up!

Maybe it's fate pushing you guys together. It's potentially like a scene out of a movie.

IAmzephyr 22

more like the workings of Murphy's law.

And all the seats but one were taken up

And that's when OP should leave the bus at the next stop and wait for her usual one.

mandi_ann_b 11

I think you missed the "painful breakup" part.

Try and be civil and sorry for your loss. Or pay the bus driver to run him over.

Wow you two must have so much in common true love

150493x 29

Not something you should say to someone post break up.

khoov19 20

ur not an asshole. ...nd ur not the only one tht thunks wht you thought. what you are is a romantic nd thts a great thing!!!

#21 i 2 em in teh 1st gredddd!!!!! (Please use grammar. Please.)

khoov19 20

@57 Grow the **** up! I'm so sorry you didn't care for the grammatical choices I made and the one subsequent misspelled word in my response. I'm sure I'll try harder to improve and impress people such as yourself as a result of your ingenious response to my comment. This repentant thought of mine is only a direct result of you ever so descriptive and yet colorful and obviously time consuming biographic description you have so eloquently listed on your profile page. Obviously I'm the one lacking in educational prowess and your intellectual superiority far supersedes mine. Thank you so much for showing me the light!!!

danceinconverse 25

I would make a point of calling for a taxi to arrive at the next stop and then get off.

assassinbanana0 20

I wouldn't pay the money a taxi cost just to avoid someone.

If they catch the same bus, I assume they're at school.... What school kid has the money for a cab 5 mornings a week?

ajs1987 15

Maybe it's destiny that you'll be together since you think so much alike . . . jk, if the breakup was painful then I'm sure he's your ex for a reason.