By T - 01/10/2010 09:09 - France

Today, I got the guts to call my dad for the first time in nine years. He said he "almost didn't remember" he "had another daughter." Another? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 852
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let his other daughter take care of his future nursing home expenses

I'm sorry that he has turned out to be just a "sperm donor" rather than a Dad. The good thing is that you know about his character (or lack thereof) and can look to other people to provide the "fatherly" attributes he has failed to provide.


ghozein 0

6 Words, learn how to spell douche!... 'DOUCHE' Oh, and 3 more.. You're a douche.

well 9 years is a long time... and time enough for another daughter to be had/appear from his past-life...

YDI for not calling your dad in nine years!