By Devotedmom - 10/01/2016 09:07 - Belgium - Li?ge
Same thing different taste
Bad doggo
By babyboomerang - 12/05/2009 11:16 - United States
Clever boy
By Lisa87 - 21/05/2024 09:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 17:14 - United States
Disappearing act
By BrokeAfnow - 02/05/2021 02:01
Here, have this
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Crystal Lake
By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 10:40 - Australia
By thissucks - 21/02/2011 22:20 - United States
By JaneDoe - 04/04/2013 02:51 - United States - Salisbury
By JadedBaker - 08/07/2012 06:58 - United States
By non-baker - 18/03/2015 02:12 - Australia - Melbourne
Top comments
Lol it my birthday too!! Birthday twins lmao I'll share my birthday cake
Lol #29!!!!!
Your dog needs training of some sort. I wouldn't put up with that at all. Hope your son doesn't treat you like a doormat too.
So your dog ate the cake. Is sugar NOT a dogs kryptonite?
Seems unlikely that the dog took the whole cake down in one bite in 30 seconds and left no mess to prove the cake was even there. That's like cartoon level Fml.
Hope it wasn't chocolate
Hope it wasn't sugar-free either. Artificial sweeteners can kill them. There are several foods that are toxic for animals. Chocolate is just the most well known.
Everyone I know who has tried a sugar free cake has sworn to never have one again.
I'm allergic to artificial sweeteners (as in throat swelling allergic), so I can't comment on the taste, but if they are diabetic it might be all they know. People can also be allergic to sugar and have to have the artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately it's possible to be allergic to anything (trust me, I know). Other people only use the artificial stuff because they think it's healthier than sugar while not telling others that they used it because "it's impossible to be allergic" (again, been there heard that, from a nurse at that).
Make sure your son takes the dog out for a walk when the cake is making its way out. That should be proof enough for him.

The empty mess on the table clearly showing a dog got into the cake seems like legitimate evidence.
It's the thought that counts :)