By drunkfacebookuser - 23/10/2010 13:15 - Australia

Today, I got very drunk after being fired from my job. In my depressed, intoxicated state, I posted my facebook status as 'Goodbye world'. The only response was from my dad saying 'cya'. His comment got 29 likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 713
You deserved it 13 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Because every one would expect you to post your suicide note on facebook?

he probably knew you were wasted. I wouldve done the same thing I hate when people bitch about how crappy their lives are on facebook


I don't have a Facebook nor do I want one.. it's way to dramatic.

starberries 0

Who the living **** asked you?

What did we learn about being a drama queen?

attention peeking statements always get owned. deal with it

Cold pizza, coffee, and Call of Duty will make it all better.

maybe you need to stop trying to get attention... they obviously thought you weren't serious... so they liked your dads comment

no it didn't that's bull shit people don't like things 29 times