By drunkfacebookuser - 23/10/2010 13:15 - Australia

Today, I got very drunk after being fired from my job. In my depressed, intoxicated state, I posted my facebook status as 'Goodbye world'. The only response was from my dad saying 'cya'. His comment got 29 likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 713
You deserved it 13 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Because every one would expect you to post your suicide note on facebook?

he probably knew you were wasted. I wouldve done the same thing I hate when people bitch about how crappy their lives are on facebook


why do people have to bitch about how much they fail on facebook?

Overdramatic emo vaguebooking deserves a flippant response. YDI.

Fortuitous 0

This is the greatest comment I have ever seen on this site. How has this not gotten 29 comments under it? Congrats, you unknown Irish woman, you have stolen the show.

Daerauko 0

yes, I have to agree that is a fine comment and observation of facebook.

:D Thanks. Maybe too many commenters spotted the redundancy of "overdramatic" and "emo." Oh well.

auto_da_fe 2

#28, where have you been? Stupid.

jocelyng_fml 0

if I saw it on facebook I wouldve liked it too thinking it was a joke and liking it instead of writing it is faster

why do u care so much about their response? its simple, go do somethin better of ur life!!! go enjoy life!!

SaintE_fml 0

Listen, anyone who does those kinds of statuses deserves responses like that. I mean, ffs, no one likes attention seekers on FB. Such a loser thing to do, OP. YDI.

starberries 0

Posting a suicide note on facebook when you aren't serious about it is pretty low.