By Reena - 19/08/2011 06:38 - Canada

Today, I got woken up by a text from an unknown number at 3 am saying, "haha I found your number." I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. After hours of trying to fall asleep, my drowsiness was disturbed by another text from the same person saying, "Sorry, wrong number." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 651
You deserved it 4 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

That's when you reply, "shut up before I send my garden gnomes after you."

Try putting your phone on silent when you sleep


youngwildfree_fml 0

OMG, there's this new thing called the off button! And guess what happens you press it?!? Your phone turns off so you can sleep! You should try it!

OMG, there's this new thing called the off button! And guess what happens you press it?!? Your phone turns off so you can sleep! You should try it!

crazygurlzz1 5

hahhahah that sounds so much like somethin id say!(:

how about putting your phone on mute. or better yet, turn it off. it was ******* 3 am right? fucktard.

This is why putting my phone into airplane mode is the last thing I do before sleeping every night. There are multiple ways to avoid unwanted calls/texts, YDI.

heydere 0

Just turn ur phone off before u go to bed...

neonsugarXx 0

Haaahh... I would be laughing, even if it was 3 am. xD