By Anonymous - 26/11/2013 16:43 - United States - Erie

Today, I had a family get-together for my birthday. I got to watch all my family members get piss-drunk and argue over who's having the worst time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 078
You deserved it 3 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigdfootball97 24

Bet you can't wait till Thanksgiving!


That's not cool, did u leave to go to some friends or something like that?

Hey, today's my birthday, too! Happy same birthday!

BrittNic0le 9

Sounds to me like you'd win that argument. It can't be helped when people have already decided not to enjoy themselves.

mintstashinurtea 5

it was YOUR birthday, you chose to stay and spend it that way you have noone to blame but yourself

XIceBlueX 21

Happy Birthday, OP! It's mine too, and I posted my own FML about mine. I finally turned 21 and we all met up at a bar, and that was a disaster. Turkey week is not a fun week to have a birthday

video for Facebook next time, call them on their shit