
By APersonSomewhere - 31/03/2019 18:00

Today, it’s my 21st birthday. The people I invited over spent most of the time talking about their LARP group, which I am not a part of, and so could not participate, talked over what I wanted to watch, and then it ended with an intervention by them for me because they were upset that I was upset. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 048
You deserved it 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today... you realised that you don't share interests with your friends.


Today... you realised that you don't share interests with your friends.

Today you turned 21 and realized you're far more mature then your friends 😊

Could be worse, my 21st consisted of my dad telling my mom that he wanted a divorce the whole 40min car ride back to their house.

edwardcullenisme 6