By anonymous - 16/09/2011 17:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a graded performance in my drama class. I had to play a murderer in an interrogation room. I got really into it and started pounding on the windows to try to "escape". The thin glass smashed. Four hours in casualty, stitches and plastic surgery pretty much sum up my mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 378
You deserved it 9 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well let's look at the bright side, no one will want to mess with the drama kids now.

Well that sucks but did you get a good grade? The teacher must have been like nice fake blood. Oh shit!!!!


See, that's why you don't go all Wicker Man Nicolas Cage on a piece of glass on a school set in a graded assignment. I applaud you for getting into it, but I don't even h

starquality 7
Gloria_GDA 0

You shouldn't have banged in the windows. I once pretended that I was drunk and smashed bottles in improv class during college, and I had to get a tetnis shot and exactly 98 stitches. It hurt.

leadman1989 15

You got an F for F YOUR LIFE... :( Sorry op get well soon. Would actually like to know what grade you got though. :P

Omfgitsmia 15

When I was in theater I broke a table... Luckily nobody got hurt and the whole class laughed their asses off.

likewoahxHelen 5

Omg, I think I know OP. If her name is Izzy, then I am in the same year as her brother

slushpup9696 12


Gosh 86, I am so so upset that you shouted that at me. I thought that my single comment on a message board of an FML would guarantee me international fame, but according to you, no one really cares. I will go and cry in my corner for life now. :( :( :(.