By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 16:17 - United States

Today, I had a science test. A question asked, "What is the first stage of photosynthesis?" I didn't know, so just trying to be light-hearted, I wrote, "The plant must first believe in itself." My teacher didn't think it was funny, and gave me detention for insulting her intelligence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 371
You deserved it 16 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It is pretty funny, but come on, it's a test. At the end of your statement you could have added, "Just kidding!" and put the real answer. That way it's still lighthearted, and you get it right.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Well they couldn't put the real answer.....cuz they didn't know it....that's the base of the FML......

Haha, sucks you're teacher has no sense of humor. When I was a stupid teenager I would pretend I was a vampire hunter and my teachers were indulgent. I once answered a test question in Earth Science with "I don't know. I was out late hunting vampires and had no time to study." I got full credit for the question, and a big smiley face on the paper.

Jorcar 8

That was a wee bit harsh on her part.

Don't you have to be 13 to have a FML account?

That was the best answer you could come up with?