By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 16:17 - United States

Today, I had a science test. A question asked, "What is the first stage of photosynthesis?" I didn't know, so just trying to be light-hearted, I wrote, "The plant must first believe in itself." My teacher didn't think it was funny, and gave me detention for insulting her intelligence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 371
You deserved it 16 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments


K_kanaka 26

This is a honest to goodness question I'm not trying to insult you or anything but what grade are you in? I mean most kids in elementary (well at my home any way) know what photosynthesis is. But if anything I think the teacher took it a little bit to far.

Brooding99 15

Honest reply to that, depending on the grade (plus the question wasn't what is photosynthesis) that answer could be uber detailed... So you and everyone might know what it is, but not the scientific chain of events and their names.

fthislyfe 22

17: You're really dumb. We had it in elementary school and also in university. In elementary school they told us it's what plants do to make food for themselves. But in university it was a crazy cycle that was sooooo difficult. Lots of enzymes, lots of factors etc etc.

Iknoweverything 29

I'm a senior in college, and I can honestly say that even though I know what photosynthesis IS, I don't know the exact stages. For some people, science isn't their thing, and they don't retain boring details for longer than they have to. It has nothing to do with grades or intelligence. My guess is that even if everybody where you are from knows photosynthesis, they don't all know the exact stages, regardless of grades.

tzuriel11 9

I'm in college and I honestly didn't even remember what photosynthesis was until I finished reading this FML lol

what 17 was trying to say was, even though he didnt know the answer in detail a small 'it is the process for a plant to make its food and therefore survive' would have been better than that crappy joke OP put, i mean i didnt even get the joke to be honest!

I agree with 17. You people are just morons. The stages of photosynthesis are basic knowledge. Of course the OP is from the states and I bet they go to a public school. People in this country are stupid and our public education system sucks out loud.

I had Biology in 9th grade, I knew what photosynthesis was in elementary school. But when you say what it is as a child you say "When a plant turns light into food." When you are a teen in 9th grade you learn all the details and stages. And considering the question was "What is the first stage of Photosynthesis?" You need to know the stages of it and maybe need to include details.

You are dumb. First of all, it is most definitely not bad is knowledge if you learn all of it in high school. Also you don't need science of you aren't planning on getting a career involving science. And finally, 17 thought the question was "What is photosynthesis?", when the actual question is "What is the first stage of photosynthesis?" So shut up, because you don't agree with 17, he read it wrong, you, on the other hand, are just being a pompous asshole.

buff7 1

17 - this is an honest question... Why don't you have a shirt on?

perdix 29

Duh. The answer is so obviously "Denial."


perdix, when u get to 1000 comments u should throw a party

when u were in school were u tought spelling?

I thought the first stage was Shock? ...grin...

Wouldn't normally do this because we're not here for grammar OR spelling, but it isn't "tought", it's "taught". If you are going to correct spelling, try to spell correctly?

perdix 29

How about we have a party when I hit 10,000? That should be attainable in the next few months. Unless we exclude all the ones that just read, "Aw, I'm sorry" and "That sucks" because then my count would be down to around 34.

I've never seen one of your comments say either of those things by themselves


perdix, every comment i see that u add is like at least 20 words


Rex... Take the phone number off of your profile page. This is the Internet.

marpay 11

80- let the pedobears get him, natural selection and all. :)

How about you throw one when it's Over 9000?

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

Denial ain't just a river in Africa, you know.

thiscrazything 1

Your teacher, AKA iron pants, has no sense of humor, I would skip detention and tell her that's the first stage of being relevant.

leadman1989 15

Honestly try to think about it from the teachers point of view. I'd think you were being a smart ass too. Wouldn't give you detention but I'd get ya... get ya really funny like.

I completely disagree. If I were a teacher, I'd be thankful for something to lighten the mood instead of a blank space. Kids aren't always going to know the answers. When I did this, my teachers played along with a comment.

leadman1989 15

Maybe the mood didn't need to be lightened, maybe op needs to buckle down and stop being so what ever about their school work. I just see it as disrespectful. The joke itself is funny but not under those circumstances.

I always think it's funny when my students make a joke when they don't know the answer. And then I mark them wrong. :)

Photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. Now you know OP. Your teacher sucks.

Brooding99 15

Honest reply to that, depending on the grade (plus the question wasn't what is photosynthesis) that answer could be uber detailed... So you and everyone might know what it is, but not the scientific chain of events and their names.

Yeah that doesn't answer the question love. The question is what is the first stage of photosynthesis, not please provide a definition of photosynthesis...

Why are so many people reading the question as "What is photosynthesis?" Listen guys, we all know what it is, but the question is "What is the first stage of photosynthesis?"

Though luck OP, it's better than what I would have wrote, "I don't know why font you ask a plant" haha see I yours is way better

Battle765 4

I would have wrote I believe you should study harder if you want to pass this class.

fthislyfe 22

You're gonna be a terrible teacher.