By argh - 24/02/2010 06:29 - Canada
Same thing different taste
Toxic workplace
By Anonymous - 05/12/2021 08:01
By xxccruzxx - 29/06/2012 13:30 - United States
Great first impression
By FirstImpressionist - 11/05/2022 14:00
But… the economy!
By Anonymous - 05/07/2022 00:00
By EpicFailAtItsFinest - 13/04/2009 02:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 16:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/09/2022 17:00
By Frozen - 10/03/2014 14:23 - United States
Thanks, vultures
By Seizure Surprise - 21/02/2024 23:00 - United States
By catty_13 - 07/10/2017 04:30
Top comments
he's an ass.
Ima have to raise my bullshit flag on this one, if you were having a seizure and depending on how bad it was you wouldn't have been able to see or remember anything. and if you did and depending on which way you were facing (up or down) there's different scenarios, up: whoever "saw u" knows ur not picking anything up, down: you can't see who looked at you. try better next time
How do you know his boss didn't tell him after the fact that he had seen him on the floor? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure plenty of the stuff on here is fake, but the assumptions and conclusions people jump to with so little information provided is simply ridiculous. OP didn't say "I saw my boss walk by," so why are you assuming that?
There are different types of seizures, not everyone loses conciousness during one.
riverbed read the fml again, his boss walked by ... how does he know that ? little information ? conclusions? there was plenty more characters left for op to give a better explanation, im basing my opinion on what he's telling,I also clearly stated depending on how bad his seizure was, I know not all seizures are the same .
I agree with #22 the boss could've EASILY told OP after the fact...
There are different types of seizures and not all of them are obvious like the grand mals you see on tv. Even if the boss had noticed, there is not much he could've done except call paramedics. The boss isn't a douche, just an idiot.
If you had a seizure you would still be in the hospital and this site would probably be the last thing you think about when that happened unless your obsessed with this
okay well my brother has seizures and in the beggining he kinda bends down and it looks like he is picking up something but the boss probably didn't think tht and jst didn't bother helping and my brother remembers things tht happened when he was having it sometimes
He should have stood next to you with a stopwatch and when you came to, he could inform you about how much vacation time you just took on your pleasure cruise to the floor. He would then say, "This time I'll sign your Vacation Request Form retroactively, but don't let it happen again!" That's thinking - LIKE A BAWS!
Why would you be in the hospital? A lot of people have epilepsy and don't go to the hospital for every seizure they have.
@39: You don't have to go to the hospital every time you have a seizure. If you have a partial one, all you have to do Is wait it out. And before you say that I don't know anything about seizures, let me tell you that I was diagnosed with epelepsy when I was 7. Don't assume that just because people in TV shows always have to go to the hospital means everybody has to. Make sure your facts are straight before you comment.
Ignorance is bliss... you, my friend, are very ignorant!
Still think you are ignorant...
That'll teach you to have a seizure during work hours. Be more careful next time. /Seriously though, FYL.
looks like productivity is up!
dude hes an asshole.
Not everyone has to go to the hospital for every siezure.... Most times there nothing they can do except keep the person safe and from hurting themselves until it's over... If you don't know, don't act like you do because it just makes you look dumb...
*seizure oops!
I had a seizure and peed my pants
My sister has
ever heard of suing?
no, you're third dumbass. he needs a slap.
Pretty sure if someone has a seizure you're supposed to just move everything away from them and wait for it to stop. Its pretty shitty of your boss to ignore you, but trying to stop someone who is having a seizure is stupid and can't just hurt them... So in short, not much he could have done to help anyways.
pants on the ground pants on the ground looking like a fool with your pants on the ground!
fml. never gonna get first. XD
lol I don't think she had a choice
bahaha what a scrub never gunna get first ... kill yourself
lmao, that boss doesn't give 2 fuks about you.
Your boss sucks. Although there isn't very much that he could have done for you, except preventing that you hit your head on a table leg or something.
Actually it isn't it's just a guidline but you can erase it.
but then your fml wont be accepted
Have you ever seen one that didn't start with today? it's a requirement.
i agree with 15

Next time don't look like you're picking up something off the ground. Is it really that hard to have a seizure properly?