By kiki - 24/02/2010 05:54 - United States

By kiki - 24/02/2010 05:54 - United States
By smiles - 03/12/2014 01:14 - United States - San Francisco
By Employee - 07/08/2012 19:17 - United States - Lincoln
By oops - 19/11/2014 17:03 - Canada - Victoria
By Anonymous - 06/08/2011 01:47 - United States
By cheated - 08/07/2009 06:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/01/2010 16:44 - United States
By brooke - 13/08/2012 04:45 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/04/2024 05:00 - United States - Richardson
By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 00:51 - Canada
By dorrisdoes - 28/07/2014 20:47 - New Zealand
17 - A condition where people chronically stuff tissues under their arms?
lmao @ #19
I thought this said her dad came to pick her up. Incest? I was confused and disgusted till I re-read. Actually I'm still confused and disgusted. Was the date picking you up from home? Didn't you have any anti-perspirant there? Or if you are extra worried about wet spots, why not just take the shirt off until the last minute? Anyway, let him think you stuff your bra. It's much better than the truth.
aren't all woman's deodorant antiperspirants
so... I guess that's your story and you're sticking with it right?...
lmao @36
lick my sweaty balls and i'll lick your sweaty pit
lol 19 is a win
@ 19 - No, where you sweat tissues ^_^
OP, you shouldn't steal stories from magazines. In my opinion, you shouldn't read Seventeen, either, but that's just me.
looks like someone never touches deoderant
For some people their problems extend beyond anti perspirant.
ever heard of antiperspirant?
It doesn't work well enough for everyone. For some people, sweating is a problem that can't be solved by using anti-perspirant or deodorant. But there are special armpit-pads that you can stick in your clothes. If your stick them in a tight-fitting t-shirt and then wear a normal-fitting shirt over it, they're not noticable. And OP could get her armpits botoxed but that's pretty expensive.
yeah it doesnt work for me i still sweat like crazy
I've heard of some people resorting to Botox. Apparently it works.
I actually never had a problem with wet marks on my shirt until last year. I couldn't figure out why it started happening so suddenly until, frustrated, I bought a completely different brand of antiperspirant than what I had normally used. Then the problem stopped. I dunno if my body had built up some sort of resistance to my regular antipersperant but maybe you should try a new type, OP
wearing 2 shirts would make me sweat... ;)
deodorant it's like a buck at walmarts. oh and ew nasty. Id hate to ask how you keep your cooter dry.
^well If it's never wet then it wouldn't be fun
that's not cool. to any of the posters above me. I see where she's coming from, I have over active sweat glands, and when I get nervous, I sweat a lot. it sucks having to pick clothes based on how much sweat will show. and I've tried everything, prescription deodorant, sweat pads, so don't be so rude and inconsiderate.
same problem #8 im hoping itll go away
#8- i dont mean to be inconsiderate, but she doesnt seem to be handling the problem well.. how will tissue be more effective than deodorant in protecting her from excessive sweating? At least deodorant will do something...
#12 ******* wins. :D
#18.. she probably DOES wear deodorant/antiperspirant as well.. but she might still sweat through that. SO.. she puts tissue under her pits to soak up any sweat she produces before she goes out... so she's not already sweaty when she leaves. just because she does that with the tissue doesn't mean she doesn't wear any deodorant you know.. geeeeeez.
#24- good point, but another question is what was she gonna do when she gets physical without the tissue there, as she said she forgot to remove them? my point is, whether she uses deodorant or not, tissue is not a practical solution for over-sweating, and this is actually proven by this FML, if it is real...
lol ...maybe she figured he'd think the 'physical action' got her sweaty..... >_>
12 = Win. Tactical Nuke Win.
Try botox then. It's expensive and you have to get it done every 8-12 months but it'd be worth it if it worked.
ftw 12 that was amazing
Thankyou #8 all these ppl are so inconsiderate that there actually is a condition where you always sweat, I'd know I have it, I wear prescription grade deodorant, deodorant to stop the smell and nice smelling spray to hide the smell and sweat pads in stressful situations, yet all pf them don't help, insulting someone about this is so cruel because I have the lowest self esteem about it and when I think about sweating it makes it worse, look it up people before u start just saying were dirty when most of us do really try!!!
Addressing everyone that is saying tissues aren't a reasonable solution- We (I've had this problem too) cant control this, and I personally have tried everything. You put on the deodorant but that doesn't stop it, you try to change your diet from foods that may cause you sweat, you do almost everything to make it stop but it doesn't. So when it comes down to it, that is a simple and easy solution as long as you can keep them out of sight. And I'll admit it's not the perfect solution, but sometimes it feels like the only option.
my suggestion? shower... a lot. then use deodorant. one thing that also helps-don't know if this applies-shave daily. if none of that helps, see a doctor. and of that doesn't help? sorry. looks like you're doomed to a nasty frequent armpit drip.
Showering a lot reduces the smell. Deodorant doesn't work, you need antiperspirant. However, antiperspirant doesn't work for people who sweat a lot. And shaving daily won't help. But they can get medical deodorant or get botox. There are also surgeries that remove the sweat glands.
that's not cool. to any of the posters above me. I see where she's coming from, I have over active sweat glands, and when I get nervous, I sweat a lot. it sucks having to pick clothes based on how much sweat will show. and I've tried everything, prescription deodorant, sweat pads, so don't be so rude and inconsiderate.
#18.. she probably DOES wear deodorant/antiperspirant as well.. but she might still sweat through that. SO.. she puts tissue under her pits to soak up any sweat she produces before she goes out... so she's not already sweaty when she leaves. just because she does that with the tissue doesn't mean she doesn't wear any deodorant you know.. geeeeeez.