By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 05:15 - New Zealand

Today, I had a wet dream about having sexual relations with a rubber duck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 262
You deserved it 9 785

Same thing different taste


Shaggy_92 5

that's a ****** up dream, now throw some asian chicks in there and then you have a party

Aha, I can always rely on one of your comments to make me laugh, #100.

xxniteskie 1

I had to check the comments as I was almost certain someone would say something... glad it was you and one of your never-disappointing comments :D

What's with all the wet dreams. I might fantasize in a dream and wake up with raging morning tree, but they're never actually "wet."

lemonlife 0

WTF we don't want to know about that

We're all family here, I feel like I could tell you guys anything. Gay like your face!

angela3222 0