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By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 05:15 - New Zealand

Today, I had a wet dream about having sexual relations with a rubber duck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 271
You deserved it 9 787

Same thing different taste


Y_U_19029 0

Did the duck sound like the Aflack duck?

Rubber ducky, you're the one You make bathtime lots of fun

zerobahamut03 2

Mighty be time to find a girlfriend or ********** op. Problem solved!

Specterk50 0

I thought I was the only one...

steelersjackson 0

that duck must have been beautiful!!!


Was the duck the one with the penis?

AbsoluteTurtle 0

better than a wet dream with sexual relations with water.

Don't worry OP I had a wet dream about masturebating once. Don't feel too bad.

sourgirl101 28

I beg to differ. Adjustable shower head.

benny2465 0

rubber ducky,your the one, you make wetdreams so ****** up

at least it wasnt a real duck...thatd have just been weird lol

LOL. I'm curious do you take baths with rubber ducks?

code2264 0

ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you op

bryan4595 0
peakcheer 2

of course he does! doesn't everyone?...

LabRats_fml 4

14 - My birthday is one day before you xD So that makes us ALMOST twins, haha.

14 what of its a female rubber duck ? Do we really want to make a new breed of rubber duck people ?!?

You mean the 14 year old....stop being creepers.

I never knew so many rapists lurked the depths of FML.

If you are young enough for her, then you have no idea how to "tap that" anyway. Stick with your right hand. Damned kids.

ifyouseekamy666 0

56 they see a lil hoe and they all come running.. poor #7.. xP

browncity23 0

#'s 35 & 43 pedophiles much? I on the other hand am young enough to indeed " tap dat"

paint_baller100 0

What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?

lol, quote from Harry Potter? But, what IS the purpose of a rubber duck?

RainbowxxVeinsx 17

To make bathtime more fun. xD

My bathtimes were dismal, all I got was soap.

sourgirl101 28

I'm sure you still found something to play with while you were in that tub.

omg. I'm watching Harry Potter right now and that part came on when I read your comment lol.

Maybe it's time to get a girlfriend. Open the door closet and get out. Then find a girl a have sex with her. If you peed then go back to having sex with rubber ducks.

iseyixes 18

This comment didn't make much sense. Unless it was a dream....