By Arcam - 13/09/2012 17:25 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I had my first accident in 5 years of driving. I clipped a Ford Fiesta, mirror to mirror. His mirror is totally destroyed. Mine is fine. I was so stressed afterwards that I reversed straight into another car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 786
You deserved it 8 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fortunately the entire Fiesta costs about 100 pounds. You can probably find enough change in your sofa to fix it.


Of course you get stressed out after an accident, especially the first one!

KiddNYC1O 20

Don't feel too bad. Accidents happen when you least expect them and even on clear days!

samiam131 4

He deserves it for driving a Fiesta

Meow_Bitches 7

I understand being stressed out like "OMFG I cant believe i just did that omg!!!" but honestly i found you backing up into the 2nd car quite comical :P good luck w/ that!!! Lol

Mynameislinh 24

The question I'm wondering... WAS ANYONE INJURED? If so, that would be terrible.

gallopinghorses 3

Umm... Stressed? You only clipped a mirror. Calm down.

Boohoo, cry me a river. How about you learn how to drive and stop being an idiot