By Arcam - 13/09/2012 17:25 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I had my first accident in 5 years of driving. I clipped a Ford Fiesta, mirror to mirror. His mirror is totally destroyed. Mine is fine. I was so stressed afterwards that I reversed straight into another car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 786
You deserved it 8 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fortunately the entire Fiesta costs about 100 pounds. You can probably find enough change in your sofa to fix it.


SpaceCadet87 0

I'm beginning to see a pattern here...

RELAX!! it's not like you killed any one!! Just chill!

I'm not surprised; you have 7 years of bad luck now after all.

That's why you don't buy a crappy car like a ford fiesta!!

patacus 14

really? a mirror? when I bought my first car, I had to replace a mirror on it. like 60 bucks. and then my mom had to replace hers because she missed the garage. think it was like 80 or so, but it was a heated one. I mean, Idk about where you live, but here a cop wouldn't even file an accident report for that. at most youd buy the guy a new mirror and possibly get a ticket

PhishloverA 14

You've avoided accidents for 5 years and then had 2 in one day... That sucks