By Arcam - 13/09/2012 17:25 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I had my first accident in 5 years of driving. I clipped a Ford Fiesta, mirror to mirror. His mirror is totally destroyed. Mine is fine. I was so stressed afterwards that I reversed straight into another car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 786
You deserved it 8 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fortunately the entire Fiesta costs about 100 pounds. You can probably find enough change in your sofa to fix it.


Should have been using your mirror to back up...

TheOath 12

*Glass breaking* Aw damn!! *Backing up* beep beep beep *crash* **** what now!?!?!?

Poor OP!! When I got in my first accident it was right after getting my first ticket; I was freaking out about the ticket and bumped another car at an intersection!

Omg you bumped a car? That must have been so tragic.

off_constantly 8

As long as it wasn't Ken Block's Ford Fiesta then the repair damages shouldn't be that bad. Oh and technically you had two accidents, not one.

OhDearBetrayal 25

He was referencing this mirror-clipping accident as the first accident. The second one was for added effect.

Yes, you were 'stressed' when you reversed into the second car. I call bullshit! More like attempting to leg it from the scene but failed miserably, you sly dog, you!

OP probably was stressed. Most people would be stressed if that happened haha.

LiterOfCola 16

Just remember OP, disaster come in threes. Two down, one to go!

RedPillSucks 31

His next FML will be about running over someones foot while going forward after reversing into a car, after clipping the mirror of another car.

No disaster is gone after the death of the gravelord servant, duh!

perdix 29

What kind of car did you reverse into? I mean, you broke a cheap accessory off a cheap car. Big whoop! I'm sure your second victim had a nicer car.

This is an analogy for my sex life. Take it slow and easy, only to get rammed up the ass by a stranger