By wispywee - 29/06/2011 17:47 - Canada

Today, I had the most exciting dream of my life. I was dreaming about catching a shiny charmander. I'm 15, and instead of dreaming of girls, I'm dreaming of Pokémon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 077
You deserved it 18 358

Same thing different taste


We've all had that dream ;) who doesnt love pokemon?!?

okmankk 4

yu-gi-oh noobs I spelled it wrong so what!?

they are right! especially a charmander!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you can't "catch" a shiny charmander. You have to hatch it :)

you can catch one if you hack. most shinies are hacks.

Sunny_Eclipse 6
Orcina1 3

I caught a shiny woobat in Black Version without hacking

Sacul6868 0

Its very rare. 1 in a big number.

This isn't something to FML over. Really. I'm older than you are and I've *never* had a dream about a girl. (Or even about a guy.)

turtlesarerad14 13

You're wrong :p you can find them in the wild, but it's very rare. You can hatch one, though, but that is also rare.

I honestly see nothing wrong with this.. pokemon's badass. Also, the imagination is a great thing, not just for girls and what follows

Why don't you Tackle me until I Harden, then we can get kinky and Vine Whip each other until I use my Water Gun on you.

cptmorgan6 8

I'm not saying that dreaming of pokemon isn't weird, but you don't have control over your dreams. So... you're only halfway to enjoying a nice tea-bag. Now, if you start playing pokemon instead of chasing tail, then you'd probably enjoy that tea-bag.

heartbrakej 0

well at least you know nothing is wrong with you... oh wait, go get some help.

I'm surprised by how big Pokemon still is in North America. Seems like where I live, the UK, the Pokemon fad reached it's peak about 5 years ago.

ChibiKarr 3

It tends to be more popular with people who are nerdy. Honestly nobody who's a part of the in crowd likes Pokemon from what I've seen. The fad is over except with Nintendorks like me. But again, this is what I've seen.

whoisthisgirl 4

where I live many people- even people who aren't considered nerds love pokemon. I love it, It brings back my childhood of when I live in new jersey and would try and Have higher levels than my friend Michael lol

sorry but nobody gives a shit. pokemon is awesome.. end of story.

IndiRae 9

I live in Ireland and all my friends still love it, we don't parade around with pokeballs or anything, but it's still in our hearts:3 But seriously, 'the in crowd' how ******* old are you, twelve? As long as you know who you are and are honest with yourself, who cares how 'popular' you are. You're obviously insecure enough to the point where you have to lash out at people who actually like something that isn't 'in' Gtfo.

I don't understand what I wrote to make people so defensive. All I did was remark that I was surprised that Pokemon was still big in some quarters. Instead of telling me how I was wrong a couple of people get defensive and tell me to shut up and gtfo. Grow up.

IndiRae 9

Only the first paragraph was for you 415, the rest was for the first comment. Sorry, I should have clarified.

Yeah sorry about that. I realised only after I posted. My bad.

Trust me, Pokemon are a lot more reliable and trustworthy than girls. They lie down their lives for you without a second thought.

Khyle1396 0

Excuse me? Do Pokémon animals have boobies? I didn't think so.

Jynx does, and not all girls have boobies. That being said, I've never seen a girl that can breathe fire like a Charmander. :P

IndiRae 9

I think quite a few guys out there would sacrifice 'boobies' to have their own Pokemon. I know I would cut mine off if it meant getting to have one xD

salvorican 24

Nothing wrong with that. I've been thinking about gettin soulsilver ALLLLLLL day. I'm 16 years old and proud to say pokemon is still badass

I don't see what the problem is. I'd rather catch pokémon than fantasize. Pokémon > Humans.

For those who don't know... a "shiny" pokemon is a special one that appears in the video games. It is specially coloredversion of a regular pokemon that only appears (without cheating) by random chance. The chance of them appearing are very, very low. Thus, they are very highly valued by Pokemon players. Examples include a golden magikarp, among others that I don't remember as I haven't played the game in 3 years. The neverending quest to reach a special point or a certain level or find a rare random item that takes over so much of a person's life is one of the reasons for why I quit playing, and is also why I'll never play Farmville and constantly make fun of people on the Internet who talk about how they're 10th Prestige on Black Ops or stupid shit like that.

Actually Black Ops has 15 prestige levels

salvorican 24

Yup :) There's also a gold ratata and a green swellow.. I would know cuz I have them lol

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

70- on what version? soul silver??

xXDirtySanchezXx 0

you use to play pokemon. haha ******