By I am not amused! - 03/11/2013 22:53 - United Kingdom - Andover

Today, I had the pleasure of driving in central London for the first time, to recover my drunk husband from his own brilliance, puking on the feet of Winston Churchill's statue in Parliament Square. At 4 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 522
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Old Winston is well used to drunk idiots on and around his statue I'm sure!


you could've married the right guy! or he must be very hot..

anyone read this with a British accent?

there are many accents in the UK....which one?!?! (Say Northern Irish!)

If you say that as in a "I wanna go to London!" way. That's fine. But if you are dissing Churchill, woah, I'll get the boys (UVF) on you!

I wouldn't of picked him up **** that I'd tell him to wait for the train it's his own fault

incoherentrmblr 21
incoherentrmblr 21

...and Winston Churchill is rolling around in his grave...