By I am not amused! - 03/11/2013 22:53 - United Kingdom - Andover

Today, I had the pleasure of driving in central London for the first time, to recover my drunk husband from his own brilliance, puking on the feet of Winston Churchill's statue in Parliament Square. At 4 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 522
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Old Winston is well used to drunk idiots on and around his statue I'm sure!


That's how a fun night starts! Jk. Sorry for that OP.

RedPillSucks 31

Does it end with you being robbed and raped?

I hope that is not someones version of a fun time. My version of a fun time was quite different. I recall locking myself up in the bathroom with a portable stereo attempting to sing my heart out to some random 90's dance song that was playing. My family joined in on the chorus from the next room where they could hear me sing horribly from the bathroom.

Hey I threw up at 4 AM too! Granted I wasn't drunk or in London....

JMichael 25

Are you Winston Churchill's secret lover, Winston Churchill?

I wonder how many Americans will have no idea what was just said.

Haha! I know, because all Americans are fat, lazy, and stupid, right? **** you. Thanks for showing everyone that Brits can be ignorant too. It truly knows no bounds. Idiot.

I'm saying this purely because the other day there was a FML that was American based and they called us stupid because we didn't get is a pure joke. My best friend is from America and he found this comment funny when I showed him. I'm not stereotyping at all So before everyone gets sensitive calm down :)

I'm also very aware I'll get hate for this but meh!!!

You were stereotyping whether you think you were or not. Your "joke" was too obscure. Generalisations piss me off.

You just added the stereotype that Americans are overly sensitive

I highly doubt DocBastard is American. He always writes in British English.

RedPillSucks 31

Don't know about Doc, but there are actually Americans who prefer to write in proper english.

i know who Winston Churchill is dipshit

Where is this Proper located, #48? Or is it Properia? Propland?

32 and 58 I'm assuming he was referring to the fact that driving through Central London is a real pain in the arse, not saying Americans were stupid or didn't know who Winston Churchill is!

Did Churchill have anything to say about it?

RedPillSucks 31

If he did, that's when you know you've had too much to drink.

Churchill was a drunk so I'm sure he is used to puke on his boots! You could've left in central London to sober up, but its a good wife, who will go out of her way and be inconvenienced to take care of their husband. So while you may be angry, take pride in what a good spouse you are. Don't forget to remind him of this of course, you've earned the right!

bobo_the_bear 5
cryssycakesx3 22