By grammarnazi-forareason - 03/07/2013 06:48 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I had the questionable honor of explaining the difference between "your" and "you're" to my boss, and very diplomatically make her see why her poor grasp of language could affect our credibility as a communication agency. I'm Swedish, and English is my third language. She's American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 649
You deserved it 3 756

Same thing different taste

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Talientary 8

This will probably offend some people, but oh well. I'm an American. Let's just say that I can name a few different versions of "English" that I've heard that you probably wouldn't recognize. I wouldn't expect much from the stereotypical American. #yoloswaql8rlol


The thing is when it is your own language you get comfortable and forget things, but when you are learning as a new language you pay more attention. Also, if you learn a language when you are younger it becomes harder to remember as an adult, since you don't spend much time review it (unless you're an language/grammar teacher.)

That's just sad. But we just keep getting dumber!

That tends to be an unfortunate epidemic in America. The same thing happens a lot with to, too, and two.

I'm American and I can definitely tell the difference between your and you're, it's and its, too, to and two, etc. It drives me nuts when I see it spelled the wrong way!

SinfulEnd 20

Don't even get her started they're, because its to much for her.

soldiat_fml 17

Few people can actually understand and explain the rules of their own languages, since, as children, we don't study grammar but rather pick it up from adults around us who also know no grammar.

It doesn't surprise me. There are so many dialects and proud heads in the U.S. that we can't seem to agree on something as simple as a language.

I'm also Swedish, but English is my second language and I've noticed many of America's population actually doesn't know that difference

Some Americans might find this offensive and such but what is also worrying with Americans is that a lot of Americans can find America on a world map that is unlabelled. Try not to thumbs down this comment because you can't handle the truth.