By grammarnazi-forareason - 03/07/2013 06:48 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I had the questionable honor of explaining the difference between "your" and "you're" to my boss, and very diplomatically make her see why her poor grasp of language could affect our credibility as a communication agency. I'm Swedish, and English is my third language. She's American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 649
You deserved it 3 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talientary 8

This will probably offend some people, but oh well. I'm an American. Let's just say that I can name a few different versions of "English" that I've heard that you probably wouldn't recognize. I wouldn't expect much from the stereotypical American. #yoloswaql8rlol


Why are Americans saying, "America is number one," again? Number one in what, exactly?

To be fair some of these things are more obvious if you are working in a foreign language, for which you have to learn the grammatical logic rather than simply learning naturally. If you have always written a word a certain way, and thought of it that way, connecting that spelling to the meaning the distinction might not be obvious. This is how language changes.

That isn't surprising. The North American school system is just bad all over. Not to mention children don't want to go learn the bad stuff they teach. I have been saying this my whole life... Yes, I have been taught here with a degree and I still say I learned stupid stuff that isn't even true for the most part or interesting to even care what I did learn to maintain it in my brain.

**** me 173, if that's the case then North America's education system is worse than over here in South Africa. Its a damn poverty-stricken hole over here. Yet I still know people in shacks who can make this differentiation. Has it truly gone that bad over there?

I like how everyone hops aboard the anti-murrca train. It's not only Americans with a poor grasp on English. You're bound to find people in any country, regardless of language, that can't speak it for a damn, or understand it for that matter.

Yes, most Americans seem to be unfamiliar with their own language (Butt hurt)

catharsis5 9

Most people learn more about their first language while learning another. Hence why learning a language is encouraged during high school and college. So we should encourage learning a different language. Don't give into the "this is America, we speak English" attitude.

tehdarkness 21

It's terrible when stupid people get to be in charge. Unfortunately, an all too common occourance.

jarockstar27 10

You know what the sad thing is OP? That is not uncommon.....

an3ph 20

I don't see what you're problem is. Your being unreasonable.