By grammarnazi-forareason - 03/07/2013 06:48 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I had the questionable honor of explaining the difference between "your" and "you're" to my boss, and very diplomatically make her see why her poor grasp of language could affect our credibility as a communication agency. I'm Swedish, and English is my third language. She's American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 649
You deserved it 3 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talientary 8

This will probably offend some people, but oh well. I'm an American. Let's just say that I can name a few different versions of "English" that I've heard that you probably wouldn't recognize. I wouldn't expect much from the stereotypical American. #yoloswaql8rlol


The "your vs you're" thing is one of my pet peeves

senkintyhma 3

I feel you. I'm Finnish and I've known the difference since third grade, when our English classes started... Our teacher gave this rule of thumb: whenever you're combining two words and there'll be (a) letter(s) missing, you just replace it with the apostrophe. What DO they teach in American schools?? (Also, what's with the "of" instead of "have": "I should of done something"??? Ignorance or slang or...?)

The 'of' instead of 'have' is said because when one says 'should've' or 'could've' (or something similar) as a faster way of saying 'should have' or 'could have', it sounds similar to 'should of' or 'could of'. Therefore, many people say the incorrect word without thinking that it doesn't really make sense. Either way... I'm Canadian so whatever.

Slang. Its : I should have or I should've....

As an American, I can say this happens everywhere. "We" have gotten very lazy when it comes to grammar. Your vs. You're is ignored everywhere. But thankfully there ARE people like me who actually care about intelligence.

I detect a run on sentence and a few fragments. ;)

Great another illiterate moron adding to the stereotypes against Americans

I hope that your boss is the nice type, as she could use your correcting her as being insubordinate adn then fire you. Good luck.

ThatFlyGuy93 2

Her being American has nothing to do with her skills in English, America has no official language

And you just did what the OP was complaining about.

WishForTheWorld 9

'Murica bein' 'Murican. I have lost all faith in humanity at this point.

My parents were immigrants to the USA from non English speaking countries. English was Mom's second language and Dad's fourth. They spoke English better than most people who are born here.