By grammarnazi-forareason - 03/07/2013 06:48 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I had the questionable honor of explaining the difference between "your" and "you're" to my boss, and very diplomatically make her see why her poor grasp of language could affect our credibility as a communication agency. I'm Swedish, and English is my third language. She's American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 649
You deserved it 3 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talientary 8

This will probably offend some people, but oh well. I'm an American. Let's just say that I can name a few different versions of "English" that I've heard that you probably wouldn't recognize. I wouldn't expect much from the stereotypical American. #yoloswaql8rlol


:: sighs:: I apologize on behalf of all the Americans who cannot spell. Ya know, when your teacher yells at you for reading in class, you're probably at a higher reading level than the rest of your fellow fifth grade peers. Heck I got yelled at in all the way up to my senior year for reading in class too much. Maybe that's a sign that our education, idk, stinks?!

She is American? ... Yip sounds about right.

Isn't English Sweden's second language?

Eewt 20

I just read this to my brother, and he informed me that "there is no difference between 'your' and 'you're'." What's wrong with Americans?

Karissastillar 7

sweden ppl tend to be smarter then the average American. Swedens schooling is way complex for us americans. Yes we could do it if we tried, but we're to laid back to have our heads in the game completely.