By Anonymous - 19/07/2013 01:03 - United States - La Grande

Today, I had to break up a fist fight between two female residents. I work in a retirement home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 762
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hey, maybe they were fighting for the last applesauce and prune juice lunch tray.


lmao Go Grannie! hey just bc your old doesnt mean you cant throw down when you need to! ;)

Obey_StudBoii 23

Looks like granny forgot to take her meds.

Shoulda let them go at it, and placed bets

And the worst part is both families will say the marks on them are from staff beating them....then they will sue the old age home....

I work in a nursing home and have seen a few fights in my time there. A feisty young person usually makes a feistier old person.

What were they fighting over about? Who took the last yard for crocheting class??? Or who's grand kids is better? I am curious

itswhatever39 7

That's actually pretty awesome, just saying

I work in a resident home and i see all sortd of things happen, i nearly got groped by and elderly man haha its part of the job these people are ageing and are getting dementia

Joyce71 its not the facilities fault, these things happen ofcourse you can blame the facility if they dont do anything to stop it but if they do you should have nothing to say. I work at an aged care facility and its An amazing place the residents are well cared for also if you dot work in one dont judge anything that happens it is a hard job that not everyone can do